- What do you know about life in Buriton in years gone by?
- Or about the local wildlife or natural history?
- Would you like to find out more?
- Do you have some information that might be of interest to others?
The Buriton Heritage Bank is a special project which is finding out as much as possible about the history of life in and around Buriton.
Illustrated books available
A number of beautifully illustrated books about the parish have now been published - including hundreds of wonderful old photographs from the collection that has been found during the project. Copies of all the books are still available, with special discount rates for anyone living in the parish. Please contact Daniela Jones via daniela.lynchets@gmail.com
Can you help?
If you know of anybody who might have any information or be able to help in any way, please contact Doug Jones on 01730 231326 or email doug.pam@btinternet.com.
Annual exhibition
An annual exhibition is held in the Village Hall in September each year with fascinating displays about aspects of village life, including:
- hop growing and picking - activities which transformed the parish at certain times of year
- the Buriton and Butser chalk quarries and lime works - another local industry of yesteryear
- our local school - how things have changed over the last 150 years
- changes in leisure activities - from rabbit and pheasant shoots to football and cricket teams
- how farming activity has changed - including the days of sheep rearing on the Downs
- life beyond living memory - from the stone age to the steam age
- local luminaries - some famous people who have lived in the parish
- our natural history - local birds, flowers, fungi and nature reserves.
The 2019 annual Exhibition was held on Saturday 28th September in Buriton Village Hall with scores of people attending and more information being collected for our archives.
Further information
Further information about the Buriton Heritage Bank can be found at http://www.buriton.org.uk
Our project to find out more about the impacts of the four-year WW1 conflict on life at home in Buriton – and to find out what happened to men from the parish who took part in the war – has now drawn to a close, culminating in the publication of a well-illustrated publication which has been circulated to every household in the parish free of charge. But we are always interested in learning more, from any sources. Our research looked at as many sources as possible and findings were summarised, season by season, in the Parish Magazine, covering the activities and events of 100 years ago – as seen through local eyes. Those findings are also available via the Heritage Bank's website: http://buriton.org.uk/projects/buriton-at-war/ Almost inevitably, we cannot be absolutely certain about the exact location of any of the men from the parish on the battlefields at any specific time, but our research is based on as many sources of data as possible. If we have made any errors we apologise and we are always grateful to receive amendments and additional information.