![BPC Logo (2024)2](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2024-04/Logo%20-%20new%20%282024%29c2.jpg?itok=nwGkorzN)
Welcome to the home page for Buriton Parish Council.
As well as establishing this Community Website for the parish, the Parish Council provides copies of Agendas and Minutes of its Meetings here in addition to quarterly 'Update Reports' and 'Annual Summary Reports'.
Initiatives to address climate change and the depleted state of nature in the country have been launched by the Parish Council and now have their own sections on this website: click here for climate change and here for nature. Details of the 'Climate & Nature Charter' adopted by the Parish Council can be found here.
Dates of the regular Parish Council meetings for 2024 are listed below - as well as the names of the members of the Council elected as a result of the May 2023 election process and subsequent co-options.
Copies of the summary of achievements for recent years can be viewed under the 'Annual Reports' tab from this web-page. Accounts Notices and Governance Statements are available under the 'Other Information' tab.
Although the Parish Council does not need to comply with the Government's 'Transparency Code for Smaller Councils', the Council considers that it is good practice to display a range of other information in this part of the website [see under 'Other Information' tab].
Details of any planning applications in the parish can be found by clicking here: Planning Applications in the Parish of Buriton | Buriton Community Website
Both Hampshire County Council and East Hampshire District Council now have quick, on-line ways for people to report local problems - and there are direct links from this website. The drop-down menu under "Useful information" now has the following topics (each with their own direct link to HCC, EHDC or elsewhere): Planning Enforcement issues; reporting fly-tipping; reporting Rights of Way problems; reporting road problems; reporting issues to the Police; and other Useful Emergency Contacts.
The Parish Council aims to make the countryside accessible to responsible walkers by a steady programme of replacing stiles with kissing gates. We offer a warm welcome to visitors to the parish - particularly those travelling on foot, by cycle or on horse back. The local walks leaflet, "Exploring Buriton" (downloadable from the home page of this website, provides details of a number of circular walks in the parish and encourages visitors to respect the countryside as it is cherished by the local community.
Our Parish Clerk, Petra Norris, can be contacted via clerk@buriton.info or by telephoning 07943 536065.
Forthcoming meetings for 2025 are as follows:
- Monday 27 January
- Monday 31 March
- Monday 2 June
- Monday 28 July
- Monday 29 September
- Monday 24 November
If there is business to discuss the Planning Committee will hold additional meetings (usually on Monday evenings): details are always posted in advance on the Parish Council noticeboard as well as on this website.
Members of the Parish Council (following elections in 2023 and subsequent co-options) are as follows:
- Andrew Bray
- Helen Hill
- Denise Lloyd
- Hilary Myers
- Tom Wheeler
- Matt Wright
Chairs of the Parish Council's Committees are as follows:
- Planning Committee Chair: Tom Wheeler
- Village Hall & Recreation Committee Chair:
- Rights of Way Working Group Chair: Andrew Bray
District Councillor: Robert Mocatta (robert.mocatta@easthants.gov.uk)
County Councillor: Robert Mocatta (robert.mocatta@hants.gov.uk)