Parish Council

Parish Council Recreation Ground Consultation

Have your say - by 20th October

As explained in the Autumn edition of the Parish Magazine, the Parish Council is consulting parishioners about activities on the Recreation Ground.

A copy of a questionnaire for every household in the parish was included with the Magazine.

Extra copies of the questionnaire, so that all family members can have their say, can be obtained from the Parish Clerk by emailing or downloaded from the bottom of this web-page.

Outline plans for hotel at Greenway Lane roundabout are refused

The South Downs National Park Planning Committee rejects the proposals 

At its meeting on 11 April the National Park’s Committee agreed unanimously with their officer’s recommendations that planning permission should be refused.

The officer’s report had identified that the potential 80-bedroom hotel close to the A3 Buriton junction would fail to conserve and enhance the National Park landscape, would significantly harm the existing rural landscape character of the area and would result in a peri-urban form of development.

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Parish Council objections and comments

Proposals scrutinised to help residents

All Parish Councillors are unpaid volunteers who work together to serve the interests of the Parish, bring local issues to the attention of the Council, and help it make decisions on behalf of the local community.

The Council always tries to find time to study important consultation proposals which it receives from a wide range of organisations as well commenting on planning applications.

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Planning application for a new hotel and cycle centre

- alongside the A3 at the roundabout at Greenway Lane 

A significant planning application has been submitted to develop a greenfield site alongside the A3 at the roundabout at Greenway Lane to construct a hotel and cycle centre. 

The prospective developers are applying for outline planning permission to find out whether or not their proposal is likely to be approved by the planning authority, before they incur any more substantial costs. 

This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted.