Opportunities to contribute to your local community
With a number of Parish Councillors retiring in May and the opportunity for other residents to take their places as part of the election process, there are now some new faces on the Council – and also some vacancies.
Doug Jones, Maggie Johnston, Tim Crew, Lynne Ashcroft, Sarah Stevens and Heidi Coates all retired after many years of service to the community: over 70 years in total.
Only five people volunteered to serve on the Council and so no ballot was required. All five were duly elected and four vacancies remain. Andrew Bray, Lee Lloyd and Tom Wheeler all continue to be Parish Councillors and they were joined by Helen Hill and Denise Lloyd.
The Council is, therefore, currently looking for more people to become Parish Councillors.
No particular skills or experience is required - just a passion to make a difference in the parish. Meetings are held every two months in the evening, although there may be additional evening meetings in-between. The vacancies will be filled by co-option. If more than four people apply interviews will be held.
Anyone wishing to discuss the role and wanting to know more about what is involved should contact the Parish Clerk, Petra Norris, by email buritonparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk or telephone 07943 536065.
To apply please supply a short letter of introduction to the Parish Clerk, giving your current address, why you would like to be considered and how you could contribute to your local community.
The closing date for all applications is noon on Monday 12th June.